Monday 22 August 2016

Things I said I'd never do as a Parent - Part 1 - Cosleeping

Every new parent will have been given the run down on SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Basically there’s about a million things that if you do them your baby will die. Second hand mattress – your baby will die; baby sleeping on their tummy – your baby will die; had a drink in the evening – your baby will die; co-sleep with your baby – your baby will die, and the list goes on and on.

I’m by no means trying to disparage the research that has been done on SIDS or say that these risk factors are not important to consider. Since the introduction of the ‘Reduce the Risk’ campaign in 1991, deaths attributable to SIDS have dropped from 1,173 in 1991 to approximately 300 per year currently. That is certainly not to be sniffed at, unfortunately what those educating expectant parents on SIDS fail to do is explain the realities of life.

For the first week that Lewis was home he would not sleep any where else except for on my chest. As far as he was concerned he’s just spent a lovely nine months all curled up, nice and warm, in my uterus and the ridiculously over priced moses basket I had bought him just wasn’t up to standard. I spent two nights wide awake holding my baby whilst Rob (husband) fetched me coffee and Red Bull at regular intervals. I had to google if it was OK to drink Red Bull whilst breastfeeding and since I couldn’t find conclusive evidence decided it was probably better than falling asleep holding my baby, whereupon, he would of course inevitably die of SIDS.

It was one late night when Lewis had decided that he would sleep somewhere other than my chest, not in his moses basket mind but rather in the middle of our king size bed, that I sent a message to my antenatal group’s whatsapp saying I had been kicked out of the bed and what should I do now. The response was a unanimous “Get in there with him and get some sleep!”. I of course was petrified at the idea but after a quick google (thank god for google) of safe co-sleeping positions I got in and had what was probably the best night’s sleep I’d had in months.

It wasn’t long before Lewis started to become more comfortable sleeping in his moses basket and I was able to reclaim the bed, but to this day if Lewis is having a particularly difficult night I’ll get into bed with him and snuggle up so we can both get some sleep. In fact holding his hand whilst we sleep together is still one of my most favourite times as a mum.

Co-sleeping isn’t for everyone and there is certainly evidence based research to link it to an increased risk of SIDS, however, there are plenty of safe co-sleeping resources available on the Internet and the reality of life is that at some point you will co-sleep with your baby, I guarantee it. So don’t be like me and panic that you’re going to kill your baby.

If you want more information on ‘Reduce the Risk’/’Back to Sleep’ campaigns The Lullaby Trust is a great resource. For information on safe co-sleeping the NCT website has a good guide but there are loads of resources out there.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

The Clue's in the Title

I was never destined to be a supermum, in all honesty at one point I thought I'd probably never be a mum at all. However life finds a way as they say, and here I am, 6 months down the line with what can only be described as the most beautiful little boy in the world.

OK so I'm probably a bit biased and I'm sure every mum thinks their child is the most beautiful in the world, but come on! Look at that face.

Meet Lewis Timothy Preston. Named Lewis as it's the only boy's name my husband and I could agree on and only then because we're huge Lewis Hamilton fans. Named Timothy as a nod to his Poppy (my Dad) and named Preston because that's what my husband lumped us with.

The first 6 months of Lewis' life have been a rollercoaster of ups and downs, frantic midnight googling sessions, tears, laughter, panic and endless photos. Being the not so supermum that I am I've taken alot of solace in reading the wise words of other mums who are not afraid to say it like it is and bare all. It's all too easy to pretend that having children is the most rewarding experience and that it's the best job in the world, however the reality, at least for me, is that at times it's really a bit shit. Night feeds, teething, poo explosions, starting everyday at 5am, it all adds up and makes you question where you went wrong. So I wanted to start this blog, one; in hopes of helping other not so supermums to realise that they are not alone and two; to help me feel a bit better when the shit column is dwarfing the rewarding column.

I hope you enjoy following along with us whilst we try and work out this mumming business.